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The QuickTrace® M-7600 Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption (CVAA) Mercury Analyzer easily achieves the ultra-trace mercury detection limit of <0.5 ng/L. The QuickTrace® M-7600 is ideal for ultra-trace to sub-mg/L mercury quantitation. The M-7600 is designed for routine and research use in a variety of settings, including environmental laboratories, industry, and research institutes, for virtually any aqueous acidified sample. The QuickTrace® M-7600 Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption (CVAA) mercury analyzer combines the proven technologies from its predecessors along with TCP/IP communication. TCP/IP technology guarantees that data collection performance will be a stable format for years to come. An Ethernet adapter is included for dedicated control. To simplify the installation we pre-configure the TCP/IP communications per your laboratories preferences. The QuickTrace® M-7600 is used to analyze samples that include water and waste-water, soil and sediment, and biological tissues and fl
EPA Method 245.1
EPA Method 245.5
SW 846-7470
SW 846-7471
ASTM Method; D3223, D3624, D3684, D6414, and D6784
EU Methods; Din ISO 16772, EN-13806, EN-16175-1, and ISO 12846